Great Sample Resume

Competent Contract Specialist Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Heffner,

I am submitting this letter of introduction in order to be considered for a Contract Specialist position with your company. I know that my contract interpretation as well as my managerial skills would be a benefit to Mitre Corporation and that I would be a valued team member in your company.

The following is a summary of my history and experience that is related in full in my attached resume:

I will bring over 8 years experience in reviewing, creating and enforcing contracts of every type with a high success rate.

My knowledge of contract negotiations would be held in high esteem with those for whom I work for and with.

The verification process can be tedious for some but this is an area where I excel and I would save the company funds by verifying all credentials before the contracts are signed.

I know that it takes more than one person to make a contract a viable document. For this reason, I know that my ability to manage people and my skills at negotiating would be an asset to Mitre Corporation.

I know that a meeting between us would be mutually beneficial and I can be at your office at any time for a face to face discussion of my history. I can be reached at (555)-555-5555 or emailed at [email] to set up a time to meet.


Your Signature

Jessica Abbott

Enclosure: Resume

In addition to the Competent Contract Specialist Cover Letter Example, be sure to check out our Competent Contract Specialist Responsibilities and Duties.

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