Great Sample Resume

Superior Farm Manager Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Sonnier

I am applying for the position of Farm Manager with Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.

Having grown up on a farm and helping my parents take care of the animals and crops, I already have hands-on experience and know what this type of job entails. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career on a farm, so I earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics to learn more about the science and technology used to help farmers be more productive.

I know how to operate farm equipment such as tractors, balers and tillers and I have the ability to perform general maintenance on the equipment to help keep it in good working condition. I know when to plant the various crops and when to harvest for the best results and I know which crops will do the best based on location and soil type. I also know how to check crops for diseases and how to take precautions to help eliminate many of the problems caused by pests.

I have the ability to perform the administrative duties associated with being a Farm Manager such as hiring workers and creating marketing campaigns to find buyers for the crops. I can use a computer proficiently and I am familiar with a variety of industry software and programs such as FarmLogic and accounting software.

I have the education and experience needed to make critical decision that will greatly benefit your farm and feel that I am completely qualified for this position.

My contact number is (555)-555-5555 and I hope to hear from you soon.



Angela Dubuc

Encl: Resume

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