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Experienced Animal Technician Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Romine,

I am writing this letter in response to the ad that was placed for an Animal Technician on the internet recently. With my past background in animal care, I am positive that I can offer what Northshore Animal Hospital is seeking in an employee.

The following is a summary of the skills and background that I would bring to Northshore Animal Hospital:Over 8 years working as an Animal Technician for a reputable veterinarian hospital where my care was not limited to the animals. I worked directly with the patients owners to help keep them calm during emergencies.I have kept up my training in order to stay ahead of the trends and new procedures that are important when caring for sick and injured animals.Do not mind doing the dirty that can be involved when working with animals such as cleaning cages, kennels and checking stool samples.

When it comes to taking care of animals, a team effort is often times required. I have no problem with working on a team or by myself when required by Northshore Animal Hospital.

Further discussion can reveal many more of the skills and education that I can bring to this company if considered for this position. I can be contacted at any time by phone (555)-555-5555 or by email [email] to speak further about this job opening.


Your Signature

Christine Hedrick

Enclosure: Resume

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