Great Sample Resume

Proactive Detection Dog Handler Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Alisha Quan,

I would like to be considered for the Detection Dog Handler position that is available at your agency, Contract Canine LLC.

I currently hold an associate’s degree in criminal justice and worked with dogs and other animals all my life. I have also had extensive training as a dog handler through my last position with a law enforcement agency and am a certified dog handler. I also understand the commands and rewards that the dog needs to perform its tasks. I have been successful in finding suspects that are hiding from officers as well as locating any illegal drugs or contraband.

I have the physical fitness that is required to pass any physical or training program that you would require and what would be necessary for this job. I am also able to conform to any standards that are set by your agency in order to fulfill my job requirements. This includes passing a psychological examination and all drug testing that is required prior to employment all tests after I am employed.

I also have great communication skills which are important when dealing with suspects and other officers. I know and understand how to fill out reports so my superiors can be aware of the circumstances of the call. I have testified in criminal court regarding the methods of training a K-9 and how the searches are conducted.

I would appreciate a phone call at (555)-555-5555 to further discuss my future with your company. I am available at any time to meet with you for an interview.


Your Signature

Gayle Sager

Enclosure: Resume

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