Great Sample Resume

Proactive Dog Handler Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Velez,

I am submitting these documents in order to apply for a Dog Handler position at your company. I know that my ability to work with dogs and to train them in the style that is required would make me a valuable asset to this company and my skills would be beneficial to Excelsis Detections.

The following is a summary of my skills and experience which can be found in further detail by reading my attached resume:

I have been training dogs for over ten years now and I am fully confident in my abilities at handling dogs for any situation.My skills include training dogs to work with those who have disabilities and training dogs for kennel club associated events and shows.I can help to even get the most unruly dog to calm down and to take direction from their owners and have an efficiently with dog that are considered a lost cause.

I know that working with dogs can require a team effort in order to get them prepared for their challenges. For this reason, I know that my background and experience would make me a qualified candidate for the position at Excelsis Detections.

I would like to set up a meeting in order to further discuss our mutual needs. I can be reached at (555)-555-5555 or emailed at [email]



Mary Mcfadden

Encl: Resume

In addition to the Proactive Dog Handler Cover Letter Example, be sure to check out our Dog Handle Resume Example.

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