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Creative Art Curator Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Kimberly Majeski,

I am writing in regards to the Art Curator posting for Dallas Museum of Art and I am excited about the possibility of working for such a famous establishment.

I have worked ten years for an Art museum where I put together and conducted art shows on a weekly basis. The museum is scheduled to close in a couple of months and I hope to continue my career as a Curator because it is a very fascinating and rewarding career.

I have the experience needed to choose the best art pieces to show based on the nature of the exhibit. I also have an extensive knowledge of the background history of the art so I know how to set up exhibits and create settings that best reflects the history of the pieces.

My experience includes the ability to promote the exhibits, provide information that will peak the interest of art lovers everywhere and draw in huge crowds. I also have experience managing budgets and staying within the allotted amount assigned to each exhibit. I can oversee the staff and assign tasks to keep things running smoothly.

I have the ability to do inventory of all art pieces and keep accurate records. I know the proper handling and storage techniques needed to protect the art pieces to keep them looking their best. I can also pass on some of my knowledge to other staff members when appropriate to help enhance the workplace.

I know I have the experience needed to fill this position and I hope to meet with you soon. Please call (555)-555-5555 to arrange a meeting.



Agnes Arnold

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