Great Sample Resume

Dynamic Corporate Flight Attendant Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Carlisle,

I would like to submit my documents in consideration for a Corporate Flight Attendant position with your company. I know that my customer service skills coupled with my experience as a flight attendant would be beneficial to your company and I would be a valued asset to Pinnacle Airlines.

The following is the summary of my attached resume to give you an idea of how I can fulfill the position in a positive way:

My experience as a flight attendant spans over 6 years and I have been working in the corporate sector for over 9 years.

I have a love for flying and for making passengers comfortable before, during and after takeoff and have a special ability for those who may have a fear for flight.

Food service is an important part of this job and I have knowledge of all of the equipment in the galley of all types of aircraft and can cater to the tastes of every passenger in my care.

I know that it takes a team of attendants and pilots to make each flight safe and successful. For this reason, I know that would make a vital contribution to every flight for Pinnacle Airlines.

It would be beneficial for us to meet to further discuss my experience. I can be reached at (555)-555-5555 and email [email]



William Bonilla

Encl: Resume

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