Great Sample Resume

Bank Teller Cover Letter Examples

Dear Human Resources Director:

My name is Ashley Brown and I am applying for a position as a bank teller at ABC National Bank. I worked for 3 years as a bank teller at XYZ Community Bank until it closed the doors earlier this month. I was the head teller and among the employees who worked until the last day. I greatly enjoy working with the public and strive to provide superior customer service. I have experience working with both individual and commercial customers, and I have taken a number of continuing education courses that focus on excellent customer service. I understand that a teller is the face of the bank and I work to ensure that every customer has the best possible experience when visiting the bank.

I have an Associate’s Degree in Finance from XYZ Community College and am contemplating a return to college at night to work toward my Bachelor’s Degree in Business. I realize that a large national bank is busier than a community bank, but I have excellent organizational skills and am confident that I can handle a busy teller window. I have experience setting up new checking and savings accounts, closing existing accounts on customer request, receiving and processing deposits, taking care of withdrawals, handling loan payments, cashing checks for customers, and transferring funds between different accounts according to the customer’s instructions.

I hope that you will review my attached resume which includes a letter of reference from Martin G. Stevens, the former president of XYZ Community Bank. I am available to come to ABC National any time at your convenience for an interview. I am eager to work for ABC and excited about the prospect of going through your highly regarded training program. I can be reached on my cell phone at (555)-555-5555 or by email at [email] Thank you for your consideration.


Ashley Brown

Ashley Brown

Example 2 -Unadvertised Opening

This bank teller cover letter is from a recent high school graduate who is attending college at night and wishes to work as a bank teller during the day. The individual is working toward a degree in business, but must work to help offset the cost of a college education.

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just graduated from City High School in the top 10% of my class and I am looking for a job as a bank teller. I have been accepted to City College where I will take night classes and work toward earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Business with a concentration in Finance. A day job at your bank will help me offset the cost of college tuition. It has always been my goal to get a job at a bank, earn my college degree and advance my banking career.

Attached is a resume listing my accomplishments in high school and my work history at City Sweet Shoppe where I worked after school for the past 2 years. I waited on customers, filled their orders, took their cash or credit cards, made change and balanced my register at the end of my shift. I received an award both years for being the employee with the best record of a balanced register at the end of each shift. Also attached is a reference letter from Ms. Betty Hayes, the owner of City Sweet Shoppe.

While in high school I took Advanced Placement courses to prepare for college and also took business courses to help prepare me for a career in banking. I was an officer in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Club all 4 years of high school serving as president of the club my senior year. I was also a member of the Beta Club, served as a homeroom representative in the Student Government Association (SGA) and played Varsity Golf all 4 years. Attached is a letter of reference from Mr. James Louis, algebra teacher and faculty advisor for the FBLA Club at City High School.

I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to interview for a bank teller job at City Bank and am available at your convenience. I can be reached any time on my cell phone at (555)-555-5555 or via email at [email] Thank you for your consideration and I hope to hear from soon.


Your Signature

Rebecca Fox

Example 3 – Response to Job Postings and Classifieds Ads

This bank teller cover letter example is from an individual who has several years’ experience as a teller, but has relocated to a different town and is looking for a job closer to her new home. She has reviewed job listings in several online publications and is sending out resumes.

Dear Human Resources Director:

My name is Jackie Jones and I have been employed as a teller at Queens Bank as a teller for the last 2 years. I have recently moved into New York City and wish to apply for one of the bank teller jobs at NYC Bank that are advertised in the NY Times online classified ads. I am willing and able to work at any of the city bank branches that have openings. My supervisor at Queens Bank is aware of my recent move and is also aware that I am now looking for employment in the city. She has graciously written a reference letter for me which is attached, but she does ask that I give 2 weeks’ notice at Queens Bank.

I have an Associate’s Degree in Business from Community College in Queens and have gained tremendous experience working at Queens Bank. Along with the basic teller duties your ad indicates that you are looking for someone with experience processing cashier’s checks, handling personal money orders, issuing traveler’s checks and exchanging foreign currency. These were some of my duties at Queens Bank and I am already trained in these processes. Your ad also indicates that you are looking for someone with extensive customer service experience who can answer customer questions in detail regarding checking and savings accounts and loans. I have experience in these areas as well.

I hope you will review my attached resume and reference letter and contact me if you have questions, wish to discuss my qualifications or would like to schedule an interview. My supervisor has indicated a willingness to allow me time off for an interview. I can be reached on my cell phone at (555)-555-5555 or by email at [email] Thank you and I hope to have the opportunity to work for NYC Bank.



Jackie Jones

In addition to the Bank Teller Cover Letter Example, be sure to check out our Teller Examples (+ Expert Tips) Resume Example and Bank Teller Responsibilities and Duties.

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