Great Sample Resume

Elite Biostatistics Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Hazel Fitzsimmons,

I am seeking a position in the field of Biostatistics with an institute or organization in need of someone matching my skills.

I have a master’s in statistics from University of Mississippi and over seven years of experience working in this industry. Most of my experience focused on environmental research and study but I am open to exploring other areas of biostatistics if the right job is available. My responsibilities included conducting research and analyzing data to help look for solutions to some of the environmental issues facing the world today.

I have the experience and knowledge to know what questions to ask and the procedures to follow to find the answers when conducting studies. I have participated in a couple clinical trials through the years and have knowledge of the statistical methods used in clinical trials, statistical computing applications and clinical drug development.

Communication is a key factor when working in this industry and I have the ability to convey technical and all other information efficiently when speaking or in writing. My active listening and good interpersonal skills also help me stand out along with my ability to perform accurate work within the time and budget allotted.

Personal qualities that I possess include the ability to maintain self-control, to cooperate and to work as a team along with the ability to motivate or lead the team if necessary. Other qualities include being punctual, flexible, honest and trustworthy. The attached resume contains a detailed look at my years of experience and relevant skills along with references that will confirm my achievements and abilities.

My contact number is (555)-555-5555.



Roland Johnston

Encl: Resume

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