Great Sample Resume

Cutting-edge Biotechnology Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Donna Smith,

Is your company searching for a qualified professional to fill a position in the Biotechnology industry?

I have a bachelor’s degree from Johns Hopkins University and a strong educational background in cell biology, genetics, microbiology and biochemistry. I have participated in several studies and projects that are outlined in my resume along with details of my accomplishments. It also contains letters of recommendation from two of my mentors and a comprehensive review of my educational background, work history and specific skills relating to this profession.

I have acquired very strong research skills and the knowledge to use various methods to study plant and animal life from a molecular stage to help improve farm production and to look for ways to improve the quality of life for all humans. My experience includes managing projects by planning the details and timelines, keeping in-depth documents of the projects and by ensuring all projects meet the requirements set forth by the grants. I also have lab experience with extensive knowledge of the tools and procedures used in this industry.

I have good interpersonal skills and the ability to work independently or as part of a research team. I adjust to changing environments quickly and have the ability to work on multiple projects efficiently. I also have excellent communication skills along with the ability to write and give presentations to explain the results of the research and to work efficiently with other professionals.

Please give me a call at (555)-555-5555 if you have an open that requires someone with my background.


Your Signature

Lawrence Staats

Enclosure: Resume

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