Great Sample Resume

Dynamic AS400 RPG Programmer Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Carol Flores,

I am writing in response to the position of AS400 RPG Programmer now available at Robert Half Technology.

The attached resume will provide a full account of my credentials but here are a few of the highlights. I have a bachelor’s degree in information technology and over four years of experience working in an IT department, where I gained hands-on experience working with the AS400 system.

My experience includes performing software coding and testing along with keeping documentation of all work performed. I also have experience performing analysis and helping to create application solutions that are both effective and cost efficient.

I have the ability to take part in the different phases of software development from the design process to the implementation phase and I have experience using RPG, AS400 Query and SQL tools. I have a good understanding of web development tools and platforms that include JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I also have the ability to analyze existing applications, perform debugging procedures and making modifications to coding when needed.

I possess very strong organizational skills with the ability to manage my time wisely to complete all projects by the deadlines. I also have excellent communication skills with the ability to confer with management, co-workers or clients in a concise and professional manner. I can work independently or as part of a group efficiently and I am confident that I am the best person for this job.

You can reach me by calling (555)-555-5555 and I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this position in more detail.


Scott Avey

Scott Avey

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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