Great Sample Resume

Creative Content Writer Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Santacruz,

This letter is being submitted as an introduction and to apply for the position of Content Writer with your company. I know that my verbal skills and writing style would be an asset to Tech Providers Inc and that I would offer original content with a quick turnaround time.

The following is a summary of my qualifications which can be found in detail on my attached resume:

I have been writing content for over 6 years and I am dedicated to it and cannot see myself in any other industry.

My knowledge of content writing includes writing SEO (search engine optimization) and UAW (unique article wizard) styles of writing which are styles that are considered more article marketing.

My verbal skills and attention to detail means that my content is fully edited and interesting to read.

I know that it takes well written and interesting articles to be successful at article marketing. For this reason I know that I would make a positive contribution to Tech Providers Inc and that my writing skills would be put to good use.

I am looking forward to having a meeting where we can discuss my writing skills and history in more detail. I can be reached at (555)-555-5555 or emailed at [email]


Amanda Lacross

Amanda Lacross

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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