Great Sample Resume

Creative Copywriter Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Weiss,

I write today to apply for the open Copywriter position at your company, and have attached my resume and portfolio as requested.

As you will see from the enclosed resume, I have extensive experience as a professional Copywriter, having worked successfully in this role for the past six years. I have both agency experience, as well as freelance experience; writing everything from website content to sales letters and assorted collateral. To add to this experience, I also have a Masters in English Communications from Vanderbilt University; as well as stellar analytical, grammar, and interpersonal skills. For these reasons, I am confident that I am the best candidate for your open Copywriter position.

Please take a moment to review my resume and portfolio, and contact me at your convenience at (555)-555-5555 and [email] Thanks for your time.


Felix Lindsey

Felix Lindsey

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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