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Accomplished Dance Therapist Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Joseph Berger,

I am writing to apply for the Dance Therapist position with Baton Rouge General Medical Center and my credentials match the requirements listed in your posting.

Creative movement can help to encourage healing in many patients suffering from traumatic events and I have the skills and experience to help these patients improve their health through dance. I love dancing and I have a real desire to help others that are suffering, which is what led me to pursue this career.

I have a master’s degree in performing arts and I took psychology classes where I studied counseling, interaction, stimulation and communication. I learned how to relate to patients and I always maintain a friendly and professional attitude to help create a relaxing environment.

I am very creative and have the ability to use creative movements to help patients work through their traumatic experience and begin to heal. This type of healing allows patients to express their feelings in a safe environment, which will help them learn how to cope with real life better. I find it to be very rewarding to help these patients get on the road to recovery and I hope to meet with you soon to discuss the details of this position.

I have the ability to work with all types of people to help them deal with their problems through creative movement. I can help patients build up their self-esteem and break down the communication barriers. This job has many obstacles and it can be very stressful but I am fully prepared to take on these challenges to help patients improve their quality of life through dance.

You can contact me by calling (555)-555-5555.



Samuel Smith

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