Great Sample Resume

Accomplished Academic Advisor Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I read with enthusiasm your advertisement for an Academic Advisor in the English Advisor Center at Cornell University. I am the right person for this position, as my ten years’ experience in advising, solid educational background, and philosophy that education is the ticket to one’s success. This said, I have enclosed my resume and required materials for your review.

In your advertisement for employment, you mentioned that you are seeking an experienced Academic Advisor that has six years’ experience in Advising, as well as a passion for educating our youth. I not only have over ten years’ experience as an Academic Advisor; but also, offer a dedication to the future of our children by providing a solid and educated resource to help them along. Moreover, my stellar communication and leadership skills have helped me advice students in both public and private schools to the success of over 3,000 students total.

Thank you so much for your time. I very much look forward to speaking with you further about how I can benefit the students at Cornell University with Academic Advising for their curriculum and career goals. Please contact me at (555)-555-5555, or email me at [email]


Geneva Stanback

Geneva Stanback

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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