Great Sample Resume

Creative Motion Designer Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Huggins,

I am applying for the position of Motion Designer with Syndrome Studio and I have included my portfolio with the attached resume.

I have acquired a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and my studies centered on computer aided design software used to create videos and graphics along with camera applications. While earning my degree, I completed an internship where I created both two and three-dimensional animated videos.

I also learned how to create the perfect lighting and how to use layouts, colors and typographies to create the best designs. I have extensive knowledge of Photoshop, Final Cut Pro and Illustrator. I am also very familiar with interactive media and ways to edit videos, photos and audio.

I am very creative with strong conceptual thinking skills, which gives me the ability to come up with some unique ideas that will make your company stand out from the rest. I have the ability to work together with a team to come up with ideas and to help create prototypes but I can also work independently and get the job done.

I am detail-oriented, so I notice even the finest details that many others would overlook, which makes it possible to create realistic videos. I have a pleasant personality with the ability to help create a fun and relaxing work environment. I also maintain a calm and friendly attitude even when the workload is heavy and tight deadlines are closing in creating a high stress situation.

My contact number is (555)-555-5555 and I hope to meet with you soon to discuss this position in person.


Your Signature

Tina Curry

Enclosure: Resume

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