Great Sample Resume

Advanced Informatics Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Shirley Williams,

It is my honor to submit my resume which I have attached to this document in regards to the informatics position that has currently been listed by your company Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

My educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in computer science and I have over ten years of work experience along with taking classes to stay current with the new technologies that are relevant to this industry. My skills include a strong analytical mind along with great computer skills including an advanced understanding of all Microsoft Office applications. I also have great written, oral and interpersonal skills and have no problem working in a team setting while also having the inner drive to complete tasks successfully on my own.

In my past employ, I provided support for the clinical and the ancillary service teams in order to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration of all electronic health records and the systems that were related to the same. This included application support, workflow integration, employee training, troubleshooting when required and consultation with department heads on all related applications. I am also able to provide user end support in order to promote effective process designs and have developed and implemented new electronic medical records which included upgrading current systems.

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you in more depth about your needs in informatics and how my education and experience can fulfill these needs. You can reach me at any time to set up a meeting by calling (555)-555-5555.


Christopher Pierce

Christopher Pierce

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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