Great Sample Resume

Detail-oriented Field Investigator Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Ellis,

This letter is being submitted in an inquiry to the Field Investigator position with your company. My abilities in deduction logic along with my communication and people skills would bring the company a strong investigator and I know that my skills would be beneficial to A-T Solutions Inc.

The following is a summarization of my background that can be found in more detail by perusing my resume:

I have worked at investigations for more than ten years and have been in the field for six of those years.

With my great communication skills, I am able to interview people in depth to get them to remember aspects of the case that they many have forgotten or suppressed.

I always respect the chain of evidence and start a case with an open and unbiased mind so that my investigation is not impaired.

I know that it takes a team in some cases in order to conduct a full investigation. Other cases may require that I work alone and I am comfortable in either scenario and know that my input is vital and would be an asset to A-T Solutions Inc.

I am looking forward to meeting with you to further discuss my background and experience. Feel free to call me at any time at (555)-555-5555 or by emailing [email]


John Mckinney

John Mckinney

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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