Great Sample Resume

Attorney Cover Letter Examples

Dear Partners:

I will be moving to Miami in 30 days due to my husband’s job relocation and am seeking a position as an attorney at ABC Law Firm. As one of the top firms in the greater Miami area, it would be my honor and privilege to be associated with a firm the caliber of ABC. I understand that you have a large division that works in municipal law and that happens to bemy specialty. I have 4 years’ experience working on zoning and ordinance issues with the City Law Firm in Birmingham, Alabama. I also served as general counsel for the cities of Mountain Brook, Irondale and Fairfield, Alabama which are located in the suburbs of Birmingham.

I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of Alabama in 2005 and my Juris Doctor from Emory School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia in 2008, graduating with honors from both universities. While working in Birmingham, I volunteered with the Jefferson County School System where I worked with high school students who participated in the annual Mock Trial competition. The program is designed to give students who are interested in pursuing an education and career in law a taste of all the work that goes into representing a client in a trial or prosecuting a suspect. Last year Jefferson County won the state competition and went on to a fine showing on the national level.

My resume is attached along with a letter of reference from Mr. Clarence Archibald, managing partner of the City Law Firm. I hope you will consider my qualifications and contact me for an interview. I can be reached on my cell phone at (555)-555-5555 or via email at [email] I am able to come to your office any time for a personal interview, and I am able to start work immediately should you choose to hire me. Thank you for your consideration.


Lauren E. Cook

Lauren E. Cook

Example 2 -Unadvertised Opening

This attorney cover letter example is from an experienced entertainment attorney who wants to relocate from one city to another. He has been working in Nashville, Tennessee in the country music industry, but would like to transition to Los Angeles to expand his work into the film and television industry.

Dear Human Resources Director:

My name is Chad Palmer and I have been working for the past 4 years with the well-known and respected law firm of Everett, Wells and Robertson in Nashville, Tennessee. I specialize in contract negotiations on behalf of popular country music artists as well as copyright and trademark issues. I would like to expand my work and represent clients in the film and television industries as well; therefore my goal is to secure a position with an entertainment firm in Los Angeles and relocate to that area. It is very possible that I could bring some of my Nashville clients with me when I change firms.

I am not at liberty to mention specific clients; however I have represented some of the top names in country music, particularly some of the newest sensations in the industry. I have not only negotiated recording contracts, but I have also worked on contracts for publications of memoirs and autobiographies. I have worked with artists who formed their own production companies and represented other clients in disputes with their managers and recording companies. I am passionate about ensuring that gifted artists are compensated well for the time and effort they put in to their work and the unique talents they possess.

I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Technology from the University of Tennessee in 2005 and my Juris Doctor from the University of Washington in St. Louis, Missouri in 2009. Following graduation and passage of the Tennessee Bar, I went to work for Everett, Wells and Robertson. I am accustomed to working long hours under intense pressure, and I have learned to effectively and diplomatically handle the unique temperaments of talented artists. I hope you will give my attached resume serious consideration and schedule me for an interview when you have an opening at the LA Entertainment Firm. I can be reached at (555)-555-5555 or by email at [email]


Your Signature

Chad Palmer

Example 3 – Response to Job Postings and Classifieds Ads

This attorney cover letter example is from a recent law school graduate who is applying for an advertised junior associate attorney position at a large firm that specializes in tax law. She has a special interest in tax law and actually had experience working in that area during her internship.

Dear Human Resources Director:

My name is Lily Mitchell-Cameron and I am applying for the position of associate attorney in the tax division of Peters, Bennett and Kramer, LLC which was advertised in the New York Times jobs online site. I am an extremely ambitious attorney always seeking to learn more about the intricacies of tax law. It is my goal to be the Internal Revenue Service’s worst nightmare.

I have worked exceedingly hard to get a top-tier education in accounting and law receiving numerous scholarships along the way. I earned my Juris Doctor from New York University and have passed the New York State Bar. I have a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Notre Dame. I am also a certified public accountant.

During my third year of law school I participated in one of the coveted internships with George and Stein, PC. in Manhattan, and also worked part-time as an accountant at the Fisher and Campbell CPA Firm in Philadelphia while doing my graduate work at the Wharton School. I believe I have a wide range of practical experience as well as a stellar education that can be used to the benefit of the tax clients at Peters, Bennett and Kramer.

Along with my attached resume I have included 2 letters of reference. One is from Aaron George, managing partner at George and Stein and the other is from Grace Campbell, one of the founding partners at Fisher and Campbell CPA Firm. I am available any time to visit your office for a personal interview. I would welcome the opportunity and challenge to be grilled by some of your partners on my knowledge of tax law in America. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience at (555)-555-5555 or via email at [email]



Lily Mitchell-Cameron

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