Great Sample Resume

Resourceful Metal Fabrication Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Knutson,

I recently found your advertisement in the Indianapolis Star newspaper for a Metal Fabrication position which I am interested in applying for. I have attached my resume for your convenience. I have worked in metal fabrication for more than ten years and would bring an enthusiasm for my work as well as a great work ethic to your company.

While I have not had any formal schooling, I have been working in the industry for more than fifteen years and I apprenticed for two of those years. When I was apprenticed, I was taught how to read blue prints and since have learned to work with digitized and computerized equipment. This would be an asset to any company that I would be a part of.

I know that in any industry, it takes more than an individual for the company to be successful. For this reason, I know that I would be a great addition to your organization. I rarely take an unscheduled day off and always show up to work on time.

I am looking forward to the time when we can meet and further discuss your needs and how my background would fill those needs. I can be reached by calling my phone at (555)-555-5555. If you prefer, you can email me at [email]


Irma Lira

Irma Lira

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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