Great Sample Resume

Expert Defence Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Susan Wages,

I am writing to express my interest in obtaining a position within the Defense industry.

I recently served a tour of duty in the military with Transfield Services and my training combined with my personal skills help to qualify me to hold several different positions in this industry. Since I am completely trained in hand-to-hand combat and qualified to use firearms, acquiring a position where these skills are needed would be ideal.

Some of the personal attributes that help to qualify me for a job in defense include having strong critical thinking skills along with the ability to make good sound decisions and excellent judgment calls. I think and react quickly during an emergency and have the foresight to recognize and respond to potential threats to eliminate the problem while being as discreet as possible.

Due to my military training, I have the ability to remain calm and to stay focused on the task regardless of the situation around me. I also have the ability to remain professional at all times and you can depend on me to maintain confidentiality and to adhere to the highest possible ethical standards.

The attached resume contains a detailed look at my military career and skills and I am certain that after viewing it, you will agree I am qualified to hold several positions within the defense department. If you have an opening for someone with my credentials, give me a call.

You can reach me at (555)-555-5555 to set up a time and date for an interview.



Charles Swanson

Encl: Resume

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