Great Sample Resume

Creative Music Director Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Allen,

I am submitting this document and my attached resume for the Music Director position that was listed in the Denver Post on Tuesday. I know that my ability to sing and to play any instrument would be advantageous to your organization. My knowledge of music includes everything from current chart toppers to ancient music types.

With my Bachelor’s Degree in Music and six years working experience, I know that I would be the best candidate for this position. I have the ability to direct and can also teach those who may need a bit more direction. My skills also lie in the live performance area and I am not afraid to be in front of a crowd directing the orchestra or directing a choral ensemble.

It takes a dedicated person who is highly organized to get a group of people on the same track no matter how talented they are. This is why I know that my dedication to music and the love I have for working with large groups would be a benefit to your organization. We should arrange a time to meet in order to further discuss the needs of your organization and how I can fulfill them. I can be reached by calling the following phone number, (555)-555-5555.


John Thorne

John Thorne

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

In addition to the Creative Music Director Cover Letter Example, be sure to check out our Creative Music Director Responsibilities and Duties.

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