Great Sample Resume

Creative Analytics Manager Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Carter,

I am very interested in the position of Analytics Manager for Deloitte, and am applying today for this advertised position with the attached resume.

As you will find in my resume, I have been the go to Web Analytics Manager for two marketing firms over the past 13 years. This has given me the distinct edge of knowing how to apply, analyze, and bring internet marketing success to any client’s internet presence. I began using analytics programs before the big guys even had popular systems out there to use. I have even developed my own version to help clients determine what keywords are working, who’s coming to their site, and other consumer market information. The key to success rests in the internet today, and I am the person to show you how.

Please accept this letter as my formal application for this position, and contact me at (555)-555-5555. Thanks so much in advance for your time and consideration.



Jeffrey Dull

Encl: Resume

In addition to the Creative Analytics Manager Cover Letter Example, be sure to check out our Creative Analytics Manager Responsibilities and Duties.

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