Great Sample Resume

Accomplished Planning Analyst Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Arlene Richardson,

I am applying for the planning analyst position that was recently listed through your company ASH Companies and have attached my resume for your perusal.

My education and qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in finance and am licensed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. I have passed all exams and met the continuing education requirements that are mandated for licensing. Along with my degree and licensing, I also hold certification in the Chartered Financial Analyst continuing education program and will continue to do so each year.

I am able to provide administrative support for any and all projects as well provide assistance in every transition and integration process. Along with this it is possible for me to prepare and implement all strategies for the research activities that are conducted and to implement the required metrics while maintaining and providing enhancements to the employee programs. I am also able to facilitate any legal actions and can design all communication plans for the organization.

One of my strongest skills is the ability to perform research to initiate all calculations for return metrics and can evaluate all post expenditure presentations. Providing efficient and effective support to all of the company’s planning activities along with providing the required operational and financial updates is also another strong suit for me. I am also able to develop all executive summaries and can assist the preparation of reports in all formats.

Please feel free to contact me at any time to further discuss what I can offer your company ASH Companies. I can be reached by calling (555)-555-5555.


Victor Green

Victor Green

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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