Install and configure AIX operating systems and servers.
Support AIX OS to run various software applications.
Maintain and upgrade the AIX OS.
Install and test AIX OS patches.
Develop procedures for AIX security and management.
Update standard policies according to environment changes and audit results.
Develop performance improvement initiatives for AIX system environment.
Identify and resolve system issues in a timely manner.
Plan and coordinate the installation, testing, and maintenance of AIX systems software and related hardware.
Plan and execute AIX projects within approved timelines.
Analyze software and hardware environments to determine any system defects.
Maintain documentation of AIX hardware and software components and user and operator procedures.
Develop data backups and retrieval techniques in case of failure, redundancy, etc.
Detect and troubleshoot system operational and functional issues.
Perform performance maintenance routines to ensure continuous system availability.
Develop and implement disaster recovery procedures to ensure business continuity.
Know more about the AIX Administrator Resume Example.