Great Sample Resume

Guest Service Agent Responsibilities and Duties

Administer check in of all guests and maintain record of all special requests at time of arrival.

Attend all phone calls and provide all appropriate information to guests and perform pre assignment of all rooms to guests as well as VIP evaluate all activities of guest services at end of shift.

Determine and ensure compliance to all key control policies and manage all safe deposit boxes for guests.

Coordinate and assist concierge in all services to guests and maintain knowledge on all emergency procedures and evaluate all credit limit report on everyday basis and manage room availability efficiently.

Evaluate everyday status of all hotels and coordinate with various departments such as reservation, sales and valet to ensure optimal level of guest satisfaction.

Manage and greet all customers efficiently, monitor and resolve all requests and provide all required information such as room rate and directions and assist all in registration process.

Monitor all check ins and provide guest with room keys, certificates and coupons in welcome folder and evaluate all credit card details prior to acceptance.

Maintain records of all vouchers and travelers checks and maintain knowledge on all currency conversion rates and provide inputs for same.

Manage all communication with guests and ensure satisfaction at time of check out and monitor all packages and faxes for guest and divert same to guest room.

Administer all guest complain and resolve all issues appropriately and within time limit.

Maintain attendance for all employees and ensure conduct of same on regular basis.

Administer all registration process for guests and maintain record of all personal information and ensure staff member to accompany guest to room.

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