Oversee and provide training to all police officers and response to all emergency calls and manage all complaints efficiently.
Monitor serving of all warrants and assist to make required arrests and manage and direct all traffic through radar monitoring equipments.
Perform investigations on al criminal investigations and assist to take all photographs and fingerprints to be presented in court.
Conduct interviews with all suspects and assist to retain all statements and depositions and prepare required investigation reports and assist to file all charges and make appropriate arrests.
Develop and maintain professional relationships with all residents of community and inform citizens of all crime prevention methods and maintain records of all activities and assist to file all complaints and perform required investigations.
Coordinate with various law enforcement agencies to share all required information and manage all work of Chief of Police if required.
Plan and coordinate with community to promote various crime prevention activities and administer all functions efficiently.
Collaborate with divisional commanders to maintain consistency in all operations and recommend appropriate policies and procedures.
Monitor performance of all employees and establish all police requirements to prepare efficient policies.
Supervise and provide training if required to all division staff and assist to resolve all issues for subordinates.
Manage and review efficiency of all service delivery methods and procedures and resolve all employee issues and prepare schedule for all programs and maintain same.