Analyze all cases, prepare legal documents, interview all clients and witnesses and identify defenses and recommend appropriate action.
Perform research, study various legal records and participate in various training sessions to gather relevant information.
Maintain knowledge on all legal literature to assist staff attorneys and clients.
Coordinate with attorneys to develop case strategy, maintain relationship with prosecutors and prepare case for courts, arrange hearings and trials.
Perform investigation on case and assist in efficient processes to prepare defense, interpret strengths and forecast sentences.
Monitor all motions, briefs and legal documents and prepare reports for same.
Maintain and perform descriptive entries in client files and identify all potential errors for appellate.
Assist clients on all constitutional rights and assist non citizen clients and non clients and walk in customers with legal advices.
Manage and select juries, interrogate witnesses, argue jury instructions and asist staff with various cases.
Assist and provide defense to all clients charged with traffic, misdemeanor crimes and other criminal cases.
Monitor all bond and assignment courts, develop and maintain professional relationship with clients and assist in investigation.
Coordinate and negotiate with State’s Attorney’s office for plea and case preparation and secure acquittal or optimum sentence time for client.
Attend and conduct trial counsel by representing the client in courtroom and at e sentencing hearing and evaluate trial verdict to draft post trial motions.
Develop pre trial and post trial motions; determine an affordable and good bond for defendant through research and negotiation.
Administer and document all mistakes committed by State’s Attorney’s Office or presiding judge.
Maintain and develop effective strong relationship with State’s Attorney’s office, Sheriff’s office, judges, police and correctional facilities.
Mange and represent various types of defendants including those charged in paternity cases, traffic offenses and manage different types of hearings.
Collaborate with psychiatrists and medical staffs in mental health proceedings.
Perform all duties of librarian to maintain law library.