Great Sample Resume

Teller Resume Examples (+ Expert Tips)

Last Updated: May 07, 2024
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Teller Resume Example

Bank Tellers are often the first point of contact for customers in a bank, making their role crucial for customer satisfaction and efficient banking operations. One of the biggest challenges Tellers face when job-seeking is highlighting their broad range of skills – from financial transactions to customer service – in a resume. This article will guide you through crafting a resume that showcases your expertise as a Teller, addressing the unique aspects of this role. With our resume builder, you can create a resume that stands out and clearly communicates your value as a Teller.


ABC Street, City, State 12345 • (555)555-5555 •


Experienced Senior Teller with over 10 years of experience in the banking industry. Skilled in cash handling, customer service, and problem solving. Proven track record of providing excellent service to customers and achieving sales goals. Strong team player with excellent communication and time management skills.


  • Cash handling
  • Customer service
  • Problem solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Sales
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Communication


Senior Teller
ABC Bank – New York, New York 01/2018 – 05/2021

  • Processed customer transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and loan payments
  • Balanced cash drawers and ensured accuracy of transactions
  • Assisted customers with account inquiries and problem resolution
  • Trained new tellers on bank policies and procedures

Head Teller
XYZ Bank – Chicago, Illinois 06/2015 – 12/2017

  • Managed daily operations of the teller line, including scheduling and training
  • Performed audits of cash drawers and maintained accurate records
  • Resolved customer complaints and issues
  • Assisted branch manager with administrative tasks

123 Bank – Los Angeles, California 09/2012 – 05/2015

  • Processed customer transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and check cashing
  • Promoted bank products and services to customers
  • Maintained accurate records of transactions and customer information
  • Assisted with opening and closing procedures

Master of Business Administration: Finance
University of California, Los Angeles – Los Angeles, California 06/2011

Bachelor of Arts: Economics
University of California, Berkeley – Berkeley, California 06/2009

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How to Format Your Teller Resume?

  • Font and Size: Choose a professional font like Arial or Times New Roman in a size that ensures readability, typically between 10 and 12 points.
  • Margins and Spacing: Use standard margins of one inch on all sides of your document. Opt for single or 1.15 line spacing to keep your resume uncluttered.
  • Color: Stick to a black and white color scheme for a professional look. If you want to add color, use it subtly for headings or to highlight important details.
  • Length: Aim for a one-page resume, especially if you have less than 10 years of experience.
  • Teller-Specific Formatting: Given the nature of the role, your resume should look clean and organized. This reflects your ability to handle financial transactions and customer interactions with precision and clarity.

Tips for Your Teller Resume

  • Highlight Numeracy Skills: As a Teller, showcasing your ability to handle monetary transactions accurately is crucial. Provide examples of your experience with cash handling or balancing cash drawers.
  • Emphasize Customer Service Skills: Tellers need excellent customer service skills. Highlight instances where you provided exceptional service or resolved customer issues.
  • Detail Your Knowledge of Banking Software: Familiarity with specific banking software can be a plus. Mention any software you’re proficient in, along with your experience using it.
  • Showcase Your Attention to Detail: Accuracy is key in banking. Include examples of how your attention to detail prevented errors or enhanced efficiency in your previous roles.

Sections of Your Teller Resume

  • Header: Include your name, contact information, and a professional title (e.g., Experienced Bank Teller).
  • Resume Summary: Write a brief summary highlighting your experience, key skills, and significant accomplishments in the banking sector.
  • Work History: Detail your past roles, focusing on responsibilities and achievements relevant to Teller positions. Use bullet points for clarity.
  • Skills: List both hard skills (like cash handling and financial software proficiency) and soft skills (such as customer service and communication).
  • Education: Include your educational background, focusing on relevant courses or training, like finance or accounting.
  • Additional Sections: If applicable, add sections for certifications, languages spoken, or any volunteer work related to finance or customer service.

Teller Resume Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Should I Emphasize Most on My Bank Teller Resume?

On your Bank Teller resume, emphasize your experience with financial transactions and customer service. Detail any cash handling experiences, including the volume of transactions you managed and your accuracy in processing them. It’s also important to highlight your customer service skills. Provide examples of how you’ve assisted customers, resolved issues, or contributed to customer satisfaction. If you’re experienced in using specific banking software or systems, be sure to include this, as it demonstrates your familiarity with the technical aspects of the job.

2. How Can I Demonstrate My Reliability on My Resume?

Reliability is a crucial trait for a Bank Teller. To demonstrate this, include examples of your consistent performance in previous roles. Mention instances where you managed significant amounts of money, maintained accuracy in high-pressure situations, or received recognition for your dependability. Quantifiable achievements, like an error-free record in cash handling or positive customer feedback, can effectively showcase your reliability. Also, if you were entrusted with additional responsibilities, such as training new staff or overseeing a section of the teller line, include these to underline your trustworthiness and competence.

3. Should I Include References on My Bank Teller Resume?

Generally, it’s not necessary to include references directly on your resume. Have a list of professional references ready to provide if requested. Choose individuals who can vouch for your skills and experiences as a Bank Teller, such as former supervisors or colleagues. Before listing them, ensure they are comfortable being contacted and can provide a positive and accurate account of your work and abilities.

4. How Do I Address Employment Gaps on My Resume?

If you have employment gaps, it’s best to address them in a straightforward manner. Focus on activities or experiences during the gap that have contributed to your skillset. This could include any volunteer work, part-time jobs, courses, or self-study that are relevant to banking or customer service. Being honest about gaps while showing that you remained active and continued developing your skills can be beneficial in a job application.

5. Is It Important to Tailor My Resume for Each Bank Teller Application?

Absolutely, tailoring your resume for each Bank Teller application is crucial. Different banks might prioritize different aspects of the teller role, such as customer service excellence, sales experience, or familiarity with certain banking systems. Read the job descriptions carefully and highlight your relevant experiences and skills that align with those requirements. This tailored approach demonstrates to employers that you understand their specific needs and are well-suited for the position.

Incorporating these detailed and role-specific responses in your resume preparation as a Bank Teller will ensure you address common concerns effectively, presenting a well-rounded and targeted application.

Teller Resume Example Key Takeaways

Remember, your resume is your first point of contact with potential employers, so make it count. Here are the key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Highlight Financial and Customer Service Skills: Emphasize your experience with financial transactions, cash handling accuracy, and customer service abilities. These are core responsibilities of a Bank Teller and should be prominently featured in your resume.
  • Showcase Technical Proficiency: If you’re experienced with specific banking software or technologies, make sure to include these. Technical proficiency can set you apart and demonstrate that you’re ready to hit the ground running.
  • Demonstrate Reliability and Attention to Detail: Banks need employees they can trust. Illustrate your reliability through examples of your work ethic, accuracy in handling transactions, and any responsibilities or roles that required a high level of trust.

Creating a successful resume for a Bank Teller involves strategically showcasing your skills, experiences, and personality traits that align with the demands of the role.

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Michael Martucci

Michael Martucci

Michael is the GreatSamplereResume SEO Content Manager, the expert who is responsible for ensuring that our content is in alignment with people’s interests and needs. He has an M.S. from the University at Albany and a Certificate in Digital Media and Marketing from Duke University.

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