Great Sample Resume

Comedian Resume

Lorraine Solomon

1674 Carter Street

Olmsted, IL 62970



Objective A talented comedian willing to work at your comedy club and entertain the audience with high quality stand-up comedy.


Strong interest in tracking current comedians and actors

Strong passion for stand up comedy

Ability to perform in front of large audiences

Ability to formulate ideas for acts and write scripts


  • Stand-up Comedian, 2007 – Present
  • Comedy House Club, New York, NY
  • Performed the finest stand up comedy in the region.
  • Performed comic routines.
  • Trained and supported junior comedians and other members of the team.
  • Designed live comedy sets.
  • Developed structure for the comedy acts as per current events, news items, etc.
  • Attracted huge crowds and was responsible for drastic increase in ticket sales.


Bachelor of Science in Sociology, 2007

Barry University, Miami Shores, FL

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