Great Sample Resume

Fire Inspector Resume

Ethan Romero

1576 Red Hawk Road

Kansas City, MN 64106



Job Objective To work as a Fire Inspector within your company to use my past training in this field to help company excel and reach fullest potential.

Highlights of Qualifications:

  • Remarkable experience in investigating fire and other related explosions
  • Expertise in fire alarm systems
  • Operational knowledge of the fire prevention techniques
  • Sound knowledge of various new fire inspection methods
  • Ability to work in accordance with the city fire control and prevention programs
  • Ability to follow all verbal and written instructions

Professional Experience:

Fire Inspector, October 2006 – Present

Rich Fire Protection, Kansas City, MN

  • Inspected the buildings for any faulty electrical wirings, absence and nonfunctional of fire exits.
  • Administered the buildings and recommended necessary actions required for following the codes and the required regulations.
  • Ensured that the new fire installation system is working in accordance to the specifications.
  • Issued permits to the hazardous sites in case of their compliance with the codes and laws.
  • Prepared records of all the inspection work carried, checked for any violations and recommended corrective measures.
  • Reviewed the blueprints of the new and renovated buildings to ensure that they meet the fire safety structures and there have appropriate functional exits.

Fire Inspector, August 2002 – September 2006

Wilmington, NC, Kansas City, MN

  • Administered the fire drills on a regular basis to evaluate the fire exits in the structure and their proper functioning.
  • Repaired and replaced defective fire safety equipment such as the sprinkler system and other fire extinguishers.
  • Inspected the various installations of the liquefied petroleum and containers are their accordance with the fire regulations.
  • Monitored the cause of fire by investigating the reasons, which has caused it.
  • Evaluated the various endorsement procedures and recommended any changes that are required for to adhere to the fire codes and regulations.
  • Reviewed the various public assemblies and gave permits and licenses required for the same.


Associates Degree in Fire Science, Highland Community College, Highland, KS

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