Great Sample Resume

Care Manager Resume

Frankie Holthaus

1275 Clarksburg Park Road

Phoenix, AZ 85012



Job Objective Seeking Care Manager Position with the perfect company that gives me the opportunity to learn and gain more experience in this field.

Highlights of Qualifications:

  • Certification in CCM
  • Outstanding knowledge of all social work activities
  • Sound knowledge of Microsoft Office Applications suite
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality of all information
  • Ability to manage communication with all patients and physicians
  • Ability to ensure optimal utilization of all cases in home health
  • Ability to manage multiple projects and supervise same
  • Amazing communication skills in both oral and written forms
  • Proficient in all nursing activities

Professional Experience:

Care Manager

APS Healthcare, Phoenix, AZ

October 2008 – Present

  • Ensured optimal levels of care to facilitate speedy recovery.
  • Performed regular follow up on patient after discharge.
  • Determined appropriate plan according to patient requirement.
  • Provided assistance to design with help of educational materials.
  • Prepared documents for all care coordination forms.
  • Reviewed discharge plan for individual patients at time of admission.
  • Participated in all Local Physician Organization committee meetings on regular basis.
  • Managed calls from providers and members and provided required information to same.

Patient Care Specialist

Holy Cross Hospital, Phoenix, AZ

August 2003 – September 2008

  • Maintained and provided regular update to all procedure referral log.
  • Prepared all pre certifications and provided authorizations.
  • Coordinated with patients to schedule appropriate tests.
  • Maintained inventory of all equipments and supplies for patients.
  • Maintained referral database and participated in various outpatient services team.

Patient Care Associate

Bristol Hospital, Phoenix, AZ

May 1998 – July 2003

  • Managed and implemented all patient care plans.
  • Managed all activities for daily living and ensured optimal level of services to patients.
  • Administer all test procedures and maintained records of all documents and test results.
  • Maintained inventory of supply charts and procedures.
  • Provided regular transport facilities for various departments such as transporting body from post mortem to morgue.
  • Participated in various education programs and surveys for all care activities.


Bachelor’s Degree in Health Care Management

Pacific Oaks College, Pasadena, CA

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